Community Board plans are developed every three years and outline the Board’s key priorities for their elected term. They also indicate how the Board will work in partnership with the local community to achieve the Council’s community outcomes. A key part of the development of the plan is engagement with the local community and key stakeholders to ensure that the Board’s priorities reflect the needs and desires of local residents, community groups and businesses in our Board area.

Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the partnership it represents between the Crown and Tangata Whenua Māori and its inherent commitment to loyally and cooperatively act in the utmost good faith with one another.

Waihoro Spreydon-Cashmere-Heathcote Community Board's key vision is that our people are actively engaged and contribute to thriving communities and environments, where they feel they belong and are safe and connected with each other.

Our priorities

Discover our progress to date in each priority area: